- Pleiss, J.: Modeling Enzyme Kinetics: Current Challenges and Future Perspectives for Biocatalysis. Biochemistry. 63, 2533–2541 (2024).
- Windels, A., Franceus, J., Pleiss, J., Desmet, T.: CANDy: Automated analysis of domain architectures in carbohydrate-active enzymes. PLOS ONE. 19, 1–16 (2024).
- Carvalho, H.F., Mestrom, L., Hanefeld, U., Pleiss, J.: Beyond the Chemical Step: The Role of Substrate Access in Acyltransferase from Mycobacterium smegmatis. ACS Catal. 14, 10077--10088 (2024).
- Pleiss, J.: FAIR Data and Software: Improving Efficiency and Quality of Biocatalytic Science. ACS Catal. 14, 2709--2718 (2024).
- Behr, A.S., Surkamp, J., Abbaspour, E., Häußler, M., Lütz, S., Pleiss, J., Kockmann, N., Rosenthal, K.: Fluent Integration of Laboratory Data into Biocatalytic Process Simulation Using EnzymeML, DWSIM, and Ontologies. Processes. 12, 597 (2024).
- Schnee, P., Pleiss, J., Jeltsch, A.: Approaching the catalytic mechanism of protein lysine methyltransferases by biochemical and simulation techniques. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. 59, 20–68 (2024).
- Neubauer, F., Bredl, P., Xu, M., Patel, K., Pleiss, J., Uekermann, B.: MetaConfigurator: A User-Friendly Tool for Editing Structured Data Files. Datenbank-Spektrum. 24, 161–169 (2024).
- Flemisch, B., Hermann, S., Herschel, M., Pflüger, D., Pleiss, J., Range, J., Roy, S., Takamoto, M., Uekermann, B.: Research Data Management in Simulation Science: Infrastructure, Tools, and Applications. Datenbank-Spektrum. 24, 97–105 (2024).
- Weirich, S., Kusevic, D., Schnee, P., Reiter, J., Pleiss, J., Jeltsch, A.: Discovery of NSD2 non-histone substrates and design of a super-substrate. Communications Biology. 7, 707-- (2024).
- Fademrecht, S., Pleiss, J.: Enzyme Modeling: From the Sequence to the Substrate Complex. In: Introduction to Enzyme Technology. pp. 39--59. Springer International Publishing, Cham (2024).
- Malzacher, S., Meißner, D., Range, J., Findrik Blažević, Z., Rosenthal, K., Woodley, J.M., Wohlgemuth, R., Wied, P., Nidetzky, B., Giessmann, R.T., Prakinee, K., Chaiyen, P., Bommarius, A.S., Rohwer, J.M., de Souza, R.O.M.A., Halling, P.J., Pleiss, J., Kettner, C., Rother, D.: The STRENDA Biocatalysis Guidelines for cataloguing metadata. Nature Catalysis. 7, 1245--1249 (2024).
- Schell, K., Li, H., Lauterbach, L., Taizoumbe, K.A., Dickschat, J.S., Hauer, B.: Alternative Active Site Confinement in Squalene–Hopene Cyclase Enforces Substrate Preorganization for Cyclization. ACS Catal. 13, 5073--5083 (2023).
- Giess, T., Itzigehl, S., Range, J., Schömig, R., Bruckner, J.R., Pleiss, J.: FAIR and scalable management of small-angle X-ray scattering data. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 56, 565–575 (2023).
- Aberle, B., Kowalczyk, D., Massini, S., Egler-Kemmerer, A.-N., Gergel, S., Hammer, S.C., Hauer, B.: Methylation of Unactivated Alkenes with Engineered Methyltransferases To Generate Non-natural Terpenoids. Angewandte Chemie. 62, (2023).
- Biundo, A., Stamm, A., Gorgoglione, R., Syrén, P.-O., Curia, S., Hauer, B., Capriati, V., Vitale, P., Perna, F., Agrimi, G., Pisano, I.: Regio- and stereoselective biocatalytic hydration of fatty acids from waste cooking oils en route to hydroxy fatty acids and bio-based polyesters. Enzyme and Microbial Technology. 163, 110164 (2023).
- Schneider, A., Ruppert, J., Lystbæk, T.B., Bastian, S., Hauer, B.: Expanding the Cation Cage: Squalene-Hopene Cyclase-Mediated Enantioselective Semipinacol Rearrangement. ACS Catal. 13, 1946--1951 (2023).
- Wrobel, S.A., Bury, D., Belov, V.N., Klenk, J.M., Hauer, B., Hayen, H., Martino-Andrade, A.J., Koch, H.M., Brüning, T., Käfferlein, H.U.: Rapid quantification of seven major neonicotinoids and neonicotinoid-like compounds and their key metabolites in human urine. Analytica Chimica Acta. 1239, 340680 (2023).
- Schelle, J.T., Lepoittevin, W., Hauer, B.: Enhanced Semi-Preparative Biotransformation of Cumene Dioxygenase: From Analytical Scale to Product Isolation . Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 95, 607–611 (2023).
- Schneider, A., Curado, C., Lystbaek, T.B., Osuna, S., Hauer, B.: Harnessing the Structure and Dynamics of the Squalene-Hopene Cyclase for (−)-Ambroxide Production**. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 62, e202301607 (2023).
- Höpfl, S., Pleiss, J., Radde, N.E.: Bayesian estimation reveals that reproducible models in Systems Biology get more citations. Scientific reports. 13, 2695 (2023).
- Lauterbach, S., Dienhart, H., Range, J., Malzacher, S., Spöring, J.-D., Rother, D., Pinto, M.F., Martins, P., Lagerman, C.E., Bommarius, A.S., Høst, A.V., Woodley, J.M., Ngubane, S., Kudanga, T., Bergmann, F.T., Rohwer, J.M., Iglezakis, D., Weidemann, A., Wittig, U., Kettner, C., Swainston, N., Schnell, S., Pleiss, J.: EnzymeML: seamless data flow and modeling of enzymatic data. Nature Methods. 20, 400--402 (2023).
- Khella, M.S., Schnee, P., Weirich, S., Bui, T., Bröhm, A., Bashtrykov, P., Pleiss, J., Jeltsch, A.: The T1150A cancer mutant of the protein lysine dimethyltransferase NSD2 can introduce H3K36 trimethylation. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 299, 104796-- (2023).
- Range, J., Halupczok, C., Lohmann, J., Swainston, N., Kettner, C., Bergmann, F.T., Weidemann, A., Wittig, U., Schnell, S., Pleiss, J.: EnzymeML—a data exchange format for biocatalysis and enzymology. The FEBS Journal. 289, 5864--5874 (2022).
- Mack, A., Emperle, M., Schnee, P., Adam, S., Pleiss, J., Bashtrykov, P., Jeltsch, A.: Preferential Self-interaction of DNA Methyltransferase DNMT3A Subunits Containing the R882H Cancer Mutation Leads to Dominant Changes of Flanking Sequence Preferences. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY. 434, (2022).
- Gültig, M., Range, J.P., Schmitz, B., Pleiss, J.: Integration of Simulated and Experimentally Determined Thermophysical Properties of Aqueous Mixtures by ThermoML. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data. 67, 3340–3350 (2022).
- Zhang, H., Pérez-García, P., Dierkes, R., Danso, D., Pleiss, J., Almeida, A., Höcker, B., Schmitz-Streit, R., Chow, J., Streit, W., Applegate, V., Schumacher, J., Chibani, C., Sternagel, S., Preuss, L., Weigert, S., Schmeisser, C., Hallam, S., Smits, S.: The Bacteroidetes Aequorivita sp. and Kaistella jeonii produce promiscuous esterases with PET-hydrolyzing activity. Front Microbiol. 12, 803896 (2022).
- Royek, S., Bayer, M., Pfannstiel, J., Pleiss, J., Ingram, G., Stintzi, A., Schaller, A.: Processing of a plant peptide hormone precursor facilitated by post-translational tyrosine sulfation. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 119, e2201195119 (2022).
- Benítez-Mateos, A.I., Schneider, A., Hegarty, E., Hauer, B., Paradisi, F.: Spheroplasts preparation boosts the catalytic potential of a squalene-hopene cyclase. Nature Communications. 13, 6269-- (2022).
- Rapp, L., Marques, S., Nebel, B., Damborsky, J., Hauer, B.: Engineering CYP153A to Oxyfunctionalize its Inhibitor Dodecylamine Using a LC/MS Based Rapid Flow Analysis Screening. ChemCatChem. (2022).
- Buchholz, P.C.F., Feuerriegel, G., Zhang, H., Perez-Garcia, P., Nover, L.-L., Chow, J., Streit, W.R., Pleiss, J.: Plastics degradation by hydrolytic enzymes: The plastics-active enzymes database—PAZy. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics. 90, 1443–1456 (2022).
- Chow, J., Pleiss, J., Streit, W.R.: PAZy — mikrobielle Enzyme für den Abbau künstlicher Polymere. BIOspektrum. 28, 451--452 (2022).
- Schnee, P., Choudalakis, M., Weirich, S., Khella, M.S., Carvalho, H., Pleiss, J., Jeltsch, A.: Mechanistic basis of the increased methylation activity of the SETD2 protein lysine methyltransferase towards a designed super-substrate peptide. Communications Chemistry. 5, 139-- (2022).
- Stockinger, P., Borlinghaus, N., Sharma, M., Aberle, B., Grogan, G., Pleiss, J., Nestl, B.M.: Inverting the Stereoselectivity of an NADH-Dependent Imine-Reductase Variant. ChemCatChem. 13, 5210–5215 (2021).
- Henche, S., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Enzymatic Friedel-Crafts Alkylation Using Squalene-Hopene Cyclases. ChemCatChem. (2021).
- Heinemann, P., Armbruster, D., Hauer, B.: Active-site loop variations adjust activity and selectivity of the cumene dioxygenase. Nature Communications. 12, 1095 (2021).
- Wissner, J., Schelle, J., Escobedo, W., Vogel, A., Hauer, B.: Semi‐Rational Engineering of Toluene Dioxygenase from Pseudomonas putida F1 towards Oxyfunctionalization of Bicyclic Aromatics. Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis. 363, 1–11 (2021).
- Orlando, M., Buchholz, P., Lotti, M., Pleiss, J.: The GH19 Engineering Database: sequence diversity, substrate scope, and evolution in glycoside hydrolase family 19. PLoS One. 16, e0256817 (2021).
- Bengel, L., Aberle, B., Egler-Kemmerer, A.-N., Kienzle, S., Hauer, B., Hammer, S.: Engineered enzymes enable selective N-alkylation of pyrazoles with simple haloalkanes. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 60, 2–9 (2021).
- Buchholz, P., van, L.B., Eenink, B., Bornberg-Bauer, E., Pleiss, J.: Ancestral sequences of a large promiscuous enzyme family correspond to bridges in sequence space in a network representation. J R Soc Interface. 18, 20210389 (2021).
- Carvalho, H., Ferrario, V., Pleiss, J.: The molecular mechanism of methanol inhibition in CALB-catalyzed alcoholysis: analyzing molecular dynamics simulations by a Markov state model. J Chem Theory Comput. 17, 6570–6582 (2021).
- Pleiss, J.: Standardized data, scalable documentation, sustainable storage – EnzymeML as a basis for FAIR data management in biocatalysis. ChemCatChem. 13, 3909–3913 (2021).
- Schneider, A., Jegl, P., Hauer, B.: Stereoselective Directed Cationic Cascades Enabled by Molecular Anchoring in Terpene Cyclases. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 60, 2–8 (2021).
- Schatz, K., Franco-Moreno, J., Schäfer, M., Rose, A., Ferrario, V., Pleiss, J., Vazquez, P., Ertl, T., Krone, M.: Visual analysis of large-scale protein-ligand interaction data. Comput Graph Forum. 40, 394–408 (2021).
- Schatz, K., Friess, F., Schäfer, M., Buchholz, P., Pleiss, J., Ertl, T., Krone, M.: Analyzing the similarity of protein domains by clustering molecular surface maps. Comput Graph. 99, 114–127 (2021).
- Hunold, A., Escobedo, W., Potoudis, E., Resende, D., Farr, T., Syrén, P., Hauer, B.: Assembly of a Rieske non-heme iron oxygenase multicomponent system from Phenylobacterium immobile E DSM 1986 enables pyrazon cis-dihydroxylation in E. coli. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 105, 2003–20015 (2021).
- Faheem, M., Zhang, C., Morris, M., Pleiss, J., Oelschlaeger, P.: The role of synonymous mutations in the evolution of TEM β-lactamase genes. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 65, e00018-21 (2021).
- Lohoff, C., Buchholz, P., Le, R.-H.M., Pleiss, J.: The Expansin Engineering Database: a navigation and classification tool for expansins and homologues. Proteins. 89, 149–162 (2021).
- Escobedo, W., Wissner, J., Hauer, B.: A real-time 31 P-NMR-based approach for the assessment of glycerol kinase catalyzed monophosphorylations. MethodsX. 8, (2021).
- Farr, T., Wissner, J., Hauer, B.: A simple and efficient method for lyophilization of recombinant E. coli JM109 (DE3) whole-cells harboring active Rieske non-heme iron dioxygenases. MethodsX. 8, (2021).
- Wissner, J., Escobedo, W., Vogel, A., Hauer, B.: An engineered toluene dioxygenase for a single step biocatalytical production of (-)-(1S,2R)-cis-1,2-dihydro-1,2-naphthalenediol. Journal of Biotechnology. 326, 37–39 (2021).
- Rapp, L., Marques, S., Zukic, E., Rowlinson, B., Sharma, M., Grogan, G., Damborsky, J., Hauer, B.: Substrate Anchoring and Flexibility Reduction in Leads to Highly Improved Efficiency toward Octanoic Acid. ACS Catalysis. 11, 3182–3189 (2021).
- Escobedo, W., Hammer, S., Wissner, J., Hauer, B.: Fast and easy synthesis of the non-commercially available standard isobutyl monophosphate (ammonium salt). MethodsX. 8, 101455 (2021).
- Klenk, J., Ertl, J., Rapp, L., Fischer, M.-P., Hauer, B.: Expression and characterization of the benzoic acid hydroxylase CYP199A25 from Arthrobacter sp. Molecular Catalysis. 484, (2020).
- Hauer, B.: Embracing Nature’s Catalysts: A Viewpoint on the Future of Biocatalysis. ACS Catalysis. 10, 8418–8427 (2020).
- Stockinger, P., Schelle, L., Schober, B., Buchholz, P., Pleiss, J., Nestl, B.: Engineering of thermostable β-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase for asymmetric reduction of imines. ChemBioChem. 21, 3511–3514 (2020).
- Mangiagalli, M., Carvalho, H., Natalello, A., Ferrario, V., Pennati, M., Barbiroli, A., Lotti, M., Pleiss, J., Brocca, S.: Diverse effects of aqueous polar co-solvents on Candida antarctica lipase B. Int J Biol Macromol. 150, 930–940 (2020).
- Bauer, T., Buchholz, P., Pleiss, J.: The modular structure of α/β-hydrolases. FEBS J. 287, 1035–1053 (2020).
- Eisenkolb, I., Jensch, A., Eisenkolb, K., Kramer, A., Buchholz, P., Pleiss, J., Spiess, A., Radde, N.: Modeling of biocatalytic reactions: A workflow for model calibration, selection and validation using Bayesian statistics. AIChE J. 66, e16866 (2020).
- Rifai, E., Ferrario, V., Pleiss, J., Geerke, D.: A combined linear interaction energy and alchemical solvation free energy approach for protein-binding anity computation. J Chem Theory Comput. 16, 1300–1310 (2020).
- Xu, X., Range, J., Gygli, G., Pleiss, J.: Analysis of thermophysical properties of deep eutectic solvents by data integration. J Chem Eng Data. 65, 1172–1179 (2020).
- Gygli, G., Xu, X., Pleiss, J.: Meta-analysis of viscosity of aqueous deep eutectic solvents and their components. Sci Rep. 10, 21395–21395 (2020).
- Gygli, G., Pleiss, J.: Simulation Foundry: automated and F.A.I.R. molecular modelling. J Chem Inf Model. 60, 1922–1927 (2020).
- Wissner, J., Ludwig, J., Escobedo, W., Hauer, B.: Strategy for identification of cis -dihydrodiendiol-degrading dehydrogenases in E. coli BW25113. MethodsX. 7, 101143 (2020).
- Wissner, J., Ludwig, L., Escobedo, W., Hauer, B.: An enhanced toluene dioxygenase platform for the production of cis-1,2-dihydrocatechol in Escherichia coli BW25113 lacking glycerol dehydrogenase activity. Journal of Biotechnology. (2020).
- Al-Shameri, A., Petrich, M., Puring, K., Apfel, U., Nestl, B., Lauterbach, L.: Powering artificial enzymatic cascades with electrical energy. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 59, 10929–10933 (2020).
- Gräff, M., Buchholz, P., Le Roes-Hill, M., Pleiss, J.: Multicopper oxidases: modular structure, sequence space and evolutionary relationships. Proteins. (2020).
- Stockinger, P., Roth, S., Müller, M., Pleiss, J.: Systematic evaluation of imine-reducing enzymes: Common principles in imine reductases, β-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases, and short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases. ChemBioChem. 21, 2689–2695 (2020).
- Malzacher, S., Range, J., Halupczok, C., Pleiss, J., Rother, D.: BioCatHub, a graphical user interface for standardized data acquisition in biocatalysis. Chem Ing Tech. 92, 1251–1251 (2020).
- Wissner, J., Escobedo, W., Heinemann, P., Hunold, A., Hauer, B.: Methods for the detection and analysis of dioxygenase catalyzed dihydroxylation in mutant derived libraries. Methods in Enzymology. 1–31 (2020).
- Roth, S., Stockinger, P., Steff, J., Steimle, S., Sautner, V., Tittmann, K., Pleiss, J., Müller, M.: Crossing the border: From keto- to imine reduction in short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases. ChemBioChem. 21, 2615–2619 (2020).
- Buchholz, P., Ohs, R., Spieß, A., Pleiss, J.: Progress curve analysis within BioCatNet: comparing kinetic models for enzyme-catalyzed self-ligation. Biotechnol J. 14, e1800183 (2019).
- Gräff, M., Buchholz, P., Stockinger, P., Bommarius, B., Bommarius, A., Pleiss, J.: The Short-chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase Engineering Database (SDRED): A classification and analysis system for a highly diverse enzyme family. Proteins. 87, 443–451 (2019).
- Gobeil, S., Ebert, M., Park, J., Gagné, D., Doucet, N., Berghuis, A., Pleiss, J., Pelletier, J.: The structural dynamics of engineered β-lactamases vary broadly on three timescales yet sustain native function. Sci Rep. 9, 6656–6656 (2019).
- Fries, A., Mazzaferro, L., Grüning, B., Bisel, P., Stibal, K., Buchholz, P., Pleiss, J., Sprenger, G., Müller, M.: Alteration of the route to menaquinone towards isochorismate - derived metabolites. ChemBioChem. 20, 1672–1677 (2019).
- Borlinghaus, N., Weinmann, L., Krimpzer, F., Scheller, P., Al-Shameri, A., Lauterbach, L., Coquel, A., Lattemann, C.: Cascade Biotransformation to Access 3-Methylpiperidine in Whole Cells. ChemCatChem. 11, 5738–5742 (2019).
- Baz, J., Held, C., Pleiss, J., Hansen, N.: Thermophysical properties of glyceline-water mixtures investigated by molecular modelling. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 21, 6467–6476 (2019).
- Schatz, K., Krone, M., Pleiss, J., Ertl, T.: Interactive visualization of biomolecules’ dynamic and complex properties. Eur Phys J Special Topics. 227, 1725–1739 (2019).
- Klaus, T., Seifert, A., Häbe, T., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: An Enzyme Cascade Synthesis of Vanillin. Catalysts. 9, (2019).
- Ferrario, V., Pleiss, J.: Molecular simulations of enzymes under non-natural conditions. Eur Phys J Special Topics. 227, 1631–1638 (2019).
- Bornscheuer, U., Hauer, B., Jaeger, K., Schwaneberg, U.: Directed Evolution Empowered Redesign of Natural Proteins for the Sustainable Production of Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 58, 36–40 (2019).
- Ferrario, V., Fischer, M., Zhu, Y., Pleiss, J.: Modelling of substrate access and substrate binding to cephalosporin acylases. Sci Rep. 9, 12402 (2019).
- Demming, R., Hammer, S., Nestl, B., Gergel, S., Fademrecht, S., Pleiss, J., Hauer, B.: Asymmetric Enzymatic Hydration of Unactivated, Aliphatic Alkenes. Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 58, 173–177 (2019).
- Hinner, L., Wissner, J., Hauer, B., Nebel, B.: Efficient cellulose dissolution in a tertiary EHEMIM-EMIMOAc-water system. Journal of Molecular Liquids. 281, 236–242 (2019).
- Al-Shameri, A., Borlinghaus, N., Weinmann, L., Scheller, P., Nestl, B., Lauterbach, L.: Synthesis of N-heterocycles from diamines via H2-driven NADPH recycling in the presence of O2. Green Chemistry. 21, 1396–1400 (2019).
- Buchholz, P., Ferrario, V., Pohl, M., Gardossi, L., Pleiss, J.: Navigating within thiamine diphosphate-dependent decarboxylases: Sequences, structures, functional positions, and binding sites. Proteins. 87, 774–785 (2019).
- Grüninger, M., Buchholz, P., Mordhorst, S., Strack, P., Müller, M., Hubrich, F., Pleiss, J., Andexer, J.: Chorismatases – the family is growing. Org Biomol Chem. 17, 2092–2098 (2019).
- Li, W., Jayakody, L., Franden, M., Wehrmann, M., Daun, T., Hauer, B., Blank, L., Beckham, G., Klebensberger, J., Wierckx, N.: Laboratory evolution reveals the metabolic and regulatory basis of ethylene glycol metabolism by Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Environmental Microbiology. 21, 3669–3682 (2019).
- Roddan, R., Gygli, G., Sula, A., Mendez-Sanchez, D., Pleiss, J., Ward, J., Keep, N., Hailes, H.: The acceptance and kinetic resolution of alpha-methyl substituted aldehydes by norcoclaurine synthases. ACS Catal. 9, 9640–9649 (2019).
- Wehrmann, M., Klebensberger, J.: Engineering thermal stability and solvent tolerance of the soluble quinoprotein PedE from P. putida KT2440 with a heterologous whole-cell screening approach. Microb Biotechnol. 11, 399–408 (2018).
- Kress, N., Halder, J., Rapp, L., Hauer, B.: Unlocked potential of dynamic elements in protein structures: channels and loops. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 47, 109–116 (2018).
- Facey, S., Nebel, B., Kontny, L., Allgaier, M., Hauer, B.: Rapid and complete degradation of diclofenac by native soil microorganisms. Environmental Technology & Innovation. 10, 55–61 (2018).
- Halder, J., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Semi-Rational Engineering of the Naphthalene Dioxygenase from Pseudomonas sp. NCIB 9816-4 towards Selective Asymmetric Dihydroxylation. ChemCatChem. 10, 178–182 (2018).
- Borlinghaus, N., Gergel, S., Nestl, B.: Biocatalytic Access to Piperazines from Diamines and Dicarbonyls. ACS Catal. 8, 3727–3732 (2018).
- Borlinghaus, N., Nestl, B.: Switching the cofactor specificity of an imine reductase. ChemCatChem. 10, 183–187 (2018).
- Darimont, D., Weissenborn, M., Nebel, B., Hauer, B.: Modulating proposed electron transfer pathways in P450BM3 led to improved activity and coupling efficiency. Bioelectrochemistry. 119, 119–123 (2018).
- Lotti, M., Pleiss, J., Valero, F., Ferrer, P.: Enzymatic production of biodiesel: strategies to overcome methanol inactivation. Biotechnol J. 13, e1700155 (2018).
- Lenz, M., Fademrecht, S., Sharma, M., Pleiss, J., Grogan, G., Nestl, B.: New imine-reducing enzymes from beta-hydroxyacid dehydrogenases by single amino acid substitutions. Protein Engineering, Design and Selection. 31, 109–120 (2018).
- Franden, M., Jayakody, L., Li, W., Wagner, N., Cleveland, N., Michener, W., Hauer, B., Blank, L., Wierckx, N., Klebensberger, J., Beckham, G.: Engineering Pseudomonas putida KT2440 for efficient ethylene glycol utilization. Metab Eng. 48, 197–207 (2018).
- Klenk, J., Dubiel, P., Sharma, M., Grogan, G., Hauer, B.: Characterization and structure‐guided engineering of the novel versatile terpene monooxygenase CYP109Q5 from Chondromyces apiculatus DSM436. Microbial Biotechnology. 377–391 (2018).
- Ferrario, V., Pleiss, J.: Simulation of protein diffusion: a sensitive probe of protein-solvent interactions. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 37, 1534–1544 (2018).
- Demming, R., Fischer, M., Schmid, J., Hauer, B.: (De)hydratases-recent developments and future perspectives. Curr Opin Chem Biol. 43, 43–50 (2018).
- Ferrario, V., Hansen, N., Pleiss, J.: Interpretation of cytochrome P450 monooxygenase kinetics by modeling of thermodynamic activity. J Inorg Biochem. 183, 172–178 (2018).
- Baierl, A., Theorell, A., Mackfeld, U., Marquardt, P., Hoffmann, F., Moers, S., Nöh, K., Buchholz, P., Pleiss, J., Pohl, M.: Towards a mechanistic understanding of factors controlling the stereoselectivity of transketolase. ChemCatChem. 10, 2601–2611 (2018).
- Pleiss, J.: Thermodynamic activity-based progress curve analysis in enzyme kinetics. Trends Biotechnol. 36, 234–238 (2018).
- Buß, O., Buchholz, P., Gräff, M., Klausmann, P., Rudat, J., Pleiss, J.: The omega-Transaminase Engineering Database (oTAED): a navigation tool in protein sequence and structure space. Proteins. 86, 566–580 (2018).
- Martínez-Martínez, M., Coscolín, C., Santiago, G., Chow, J., Stogios, P., ..., Buchholz, P., Pleiss, J., ..., Ferrer, M.: Determinants and prediction of esterase substrate promiscuity patterns. ACS Chem Biol. 13, 225–234 (2018).
- Buchholz, P., Zeil, C., Pleiss, J.: The scale-free nature of protein sequence space. PLoS One. 13, e0200815 (2018).
- Fernandes, A., Halder, J., Nestl, B., Hauer, B., Gernaey, K., Krühne, U.: Biocatalyst Screening with a Twist: Application of Oxygen Sensors Integrated in Microchannels for Screening Whole Cell Biocatalyst Variants. Bioengineering (Basel). 5(2), E30 (2018).
- Klenk, J., Nebel, B., Porter, J., Kulig, J., Hussain, S., Richter, S., Tavanti, M., Turner, N., Hayes, M., Hauer, B.: The self-sufficient P450 RhF expressed in a whole cell system selectively catalyses the 5-hydroxylation of diclofenac. Biotechnol J. 12, 1600520 (2017).
- Zhang, Q., Catti, L., Pleiss, J., Tiefenbacher, K.: Terpene cyclizations inside a supramolecular catalyst: Leaving-group-controlled product selectivity and mechanistic studies. J Am Chem Soc. 139, 11482–11492 (2017).
- Benson, S., Pleiss, J.: Self-assembly nanostructures of triglyceride-water interfaces determine functional conformations of Candida antarctica lipase B. Langmuir. 33, 3151–3159 (2017).
- Kress, N., Rapp, J., Hauer, B.: Enantioselective Reduction of Citral Isomers in NCR Ene Reductase: Analysis of an Active-Site Mutant Library. ChemBioChem. 18, 717–720 (2017).
- Krone, M., Friess, F., Scharnowski, K., Reina, G., Fademrecht, S., Kulschewski, T., Pleiss, J., Ertl, T.: Molecular Surface Maps. IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph. 23, 701–710 (2017).
- Lenz, M., Borlinghaus, N., Weinmann, L., Nestl, B.: Recent advances in imine reductase-catalzyed reactions. World J Microbiol Biotechnol. 33, 199 (2017).
- Buchholz, P., Fademrecht, S., Pleiss, J.: Percolation in protein sequence space. PLoS One. 12, e0189646 (2017).
- Nestl, B., Geinitz, C., Popa, S., Rizek, S., Haselbeck, R., Fischer, M., van, D.S., Culler, S., Grogan, G., Hauer, B.: Structural and functional insights into asymmetric enzymatic dehydration of alkenols. Nat Chem Biol. 13, 275–281 (2017).
- Demming, R., Otte, K., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Optimized Reaction Conditions Enable the Hydration of Non-natural Substrates by the Oleate Hydratase from Elizabethkingia meningoseptica. ChemCatChem. 9, 758–766 (2017).
- Schmid, J., Steiner, L., Fademrecht, S., Pleiss, J., Otte, K., Hauer, B.: Biocatalytic study of novel oleate hydratases. J Mol Catal B: Enzym. 133, S243–S249 (2017).
- Pleiss, J.: Thermodynamic activity–based interpretation of enzyme kinetics. Trends Biotechnol. 35, 379–382 (2017).
- Lenz, M., Meisner, J., Quertinmont, L., Lutz, S., Kästner, J., Nestl, B.: Asymmetric Ketone Reduction by Imine Reductases. ChemBioChem. 18, 253–256 (2017).
- Wehrmann, M., Billard, P., Martin-Meriadec, A., Zegeye, A., Klebensberger, J.: Functional role of lanthanides in enzymatic activity and transcriptional regulation of PQQ-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases in Pseudomonas putida KT2440. mBIO. 8:e00570-17 (2017).
- Kühnel, L., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Enzymatic Addition of Alcohols to Terpenes by Squalene Hopene Cyclase Variants. ChemBioChem. 18, 2222–2225 (2017).
- Bastian, S., Hammer, S., Kress, N., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Enabling New Selectivities in the Cyclization of Citronellal by Squalene Hopene Cyclase Variants. ChemCatChem. 9, 4364–4368 (2017).
- Darimont, D., Weissenborn, M., Nebel, B., Hauer, B.: Modulating proposed electron transfer pathways in P450BM3 led to improved activity and coupling efficiency. Bioelectrochemistry. 119, 119–123 (2017).
- Otte, K., Maurer, E., Kirtz, M., Grabs, D., Althoff, E., Bartsch, S., Vogel, A., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Synthesis of sebacic acid using a de novo designed retro-aldolase as key catalyst. ChemCatChem. 9, 1378–1382 (2017).
- Zeil, C., Widmann, M., Fademrecht, S., Vogel, C., Pleiss, J.: Microdiversity of TEM β-lactamases: a network analysis of sequence-function relationships and exploration of sequence space. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 60, 2709–2717 (2016).
- Bock, S., Buchholz, P., Vogel, C., Holzapfel, A., Pleiss, J., Wiechert, W., Pohl, M., Rother, D.: Exploring the Sequence-Function Space of ThDP-Dependent Enzymes. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 88, 1246 (2016).
- Benson, S., Pleiss, J.: Computational modeling of a biocatalyst at a hydrophobic substrate interface. Springer International Publishing (2016).
- Kulschewski, T., Pleiss, J.: Binding of solvent molecules to a protein surface in binary mixtures follows a competitive Langmuir model. Langmuir. 32, 8960–8968 (2016).
- Notonier, S., Gricman, L., Pleiss, J., Hauer, B.: Semi-rational protein engineering of CYP153A BM3 for efficient terminal hydroxylation of short to long chain fatty acids. ChemBioChem. 17, 1550–1557 (2016).
- Wetzl, D., Bolsinger, J., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: α-Hydroxylation of Carboxylic Acids Catalyzed by Taurine Dioxygenase. ChemCatChem. 8, 1361–1366 (2016).
- Eichler, A., Gricman, L., Herter, S., Kelly, P., Turner, N., Pleiss, J., Flitsch, S.: Enantioselective benzylic hydroxylation catalysed by P450 monooxygenases: characterisation of a P450cam mutant library and molecular modelling. ChemBioChem. 17, 426–432 (2016).
- Jozwik, I., Kiss, F., Gricman, L., Abdulmughni, A., Brill, E., Zapp, J., Pleiss, J., Bernhardt, R., Thunnissen, A.: Structural basis of steroid binding and oxidation by the cytochrome P450 CYP109E1 from Bacillus megaterium. FEBS J. 283, 4128–4148 (2016).
- Widmann, M., Pleiss, J.: Sequence, structure, function: what we learn from analyzing protein families. pan Standord Publishing, Singapore (2016).
- Pleiss, J., Zeil, C.: Reply to The Curious Case of TEM-116. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 60, 7001–7001 (2016).
- Weissenborn, M., Löw, S., Borlinghaus, N., Kuhn, M., Kummer, S., Rami, F., Plietker, B., Hauer, B.: Enzyme-Catalyzed Carbonyl Olefination by the E. coli Protein YfeX in the Absence of Phosphines. ChemCatChem. (2016).
- Alqarni, B., Colley, B., Klebensberger, J., McDougald, D., Rice, S.: Expression stability of 13 housekeeping genes during carbon starvation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. J Microbiol Meth. 127, 182–187 (2016).
- Weissenborn, M., Notonier, S., Lang, S., Otte, K., Herter, S., Turner, N., Flitsch, S., Hauer, B.: Whole-cell microtiter plate screening assay for terminal hydroxylation of fatty acids by P450s. ChemCommun. 52, 6158–6161 (2016).
- Schäfer, I., Lasko, G., Do, T., Pleiss, J., Weber, U., Schmauder, S.: Peptide–zinc oxide interaction: Finite element simulation using cohesive zone models based on molecular dynamics simulation. De Gruyter (2016).
- Gricman, L., Weissenborn, M., Hoffmann, S., Borlinghaus, N., Hauer, B., Pleiss, J.: Redox Partner Interaction Sites in Cytochrome P450 Monooxygenases: In Silico Analysis and Experimental Validation. ChemistrySelect. 6, 1243–1251 (2016).
- Buchholz, P., Vogel, C., Reusch, W., Pohl, M., Rother, D., Spieß, A., Pleiss, J.: BioCatNet: a database system for the integration of enzyme sequences and biocatalytic experiments. ChemBioChem. 17, 2093–2098 (2016).
- Kirtz, M., Klebensberger, J., Otte, K., Richter, S., Hauer, B.: Production of ω-hydroxy octanoic acid with Escherichia coli. J Biotechnol. 230, 30–33 (2016).
- Moghimian, P., Kilper, S., Srot, V., Rothenstein, D., Facey, SJ., Hauer, B., Bill, J., van, A.PA.: Phage-assisted assembly of organic–inorganic hybrid bilayers. International Journal of Materials Research. (2016).
- Syren, P., Henche, S., Eichler, A., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Squalene-hopene cyclases - evolution, dynamics and catalytic scope. Curr. Opin. Struct. Biol. 41, 73–82 (2016).
- Hoffmann, S., Weissenborn, M., Gricman, L., Notonier, S., Pleiss, J., Hauer, B.: The Impact of Linker Length on P450 Fusion Constructs: Activity, Stability and Coupling. ChemCatChem. 8, 1591–1597 (2016).
- Colley, B., Dederer, V., Carnell, M., Kjelleberg, S., Rice, S., Klebensberger, J.: SiaA/D interconnects c-di-GMP and RsmA signaling to coordinate cellular aggregation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in response to environmental conditions. Front Microbiol. 7:179, doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2016.00179 (2016).
- Fademrecht, S., Scheller, P., Nestl, B., Hauer, B., Pleiss, J.: Identification of imine reductase-specific sequence motifs. Proteins. 84, 600–610 (2016).
- Reich, S., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Loop Grafted Old Yellow Enzymes in the Bienzymatic Cascade Reduction of Allylic Alcohols. ChemBioChem. 17, 561–565 (2016).
- Melcher, M., Facey, S., Henkes, T., Subkowski, T., Hauer, B.: Accelerated nucleation of hydroxyapatite using an engineered hydrophobin fusion protein. Biomacromolecules. (2016).
- Löw, S., Löw, I., Weissenborn, M., Hauer, B.: Enhanced Ene-Reductase Activity through Alteration of Artificial Nicotinamide Cofactor Substituents. ChemCatChem. 8, 911–915 (2016).
- Hoffmann, S., Danesh-Azari, H.-R., Spandolf, C., Weissenborn, M., Grogan, G., Hauer, B.: Structure-guided redesign of for the improved terminal hydroxylation of fatty acids. ChemCatChem. 8, 3234–3239 (2016).
- Hammer, S., Syren, P., Hauer, B.: Substrate Pre-Folding and Water Molecule Organization Matters for Terpene Cyclase Catalyzed Conversion of Unnatural Substrates. Chemistry Select. 1, 3589–3593 (2016).
- Hinner, L., Wissner, J., Beurer, A., Nebel, B., Hauer, B.: Homogeneous vinyl ester-based synthesis of different cellulose derivatives in 1-ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium acetate. Green Chemistry. (2016).
- Lenz, M., Scheller, P., Richter, S., Hauer, B., Nestl, B.: Cultivation and purification of two stereoselective imine reductases from Streptosporangium roseum and Paenibacillus elgii. Protein Expr. Purif. (2016).
- Llaudet, E., Darimont, D., Samba, R., Matiychyn, I., Stelzle, M., Weissenborn, M., Hauer, B.: Expanding an Efficient, Electrically Driven and CNT-Tagged P450 System into the Third Dimension: A Nanowired CNT-Containing and Enzyme-Stabilising 3 D Sol-Gel Electrode. ChemBioChem. 17, 1367–1373 (2016).
- Gricman, L., Vogel, C., Pleiss, J.: Identification of universal selectivity-determining positions in cytochrome P450 monooxygenases by systematic sequence-based literature mining. Proteins. 83, 1593-1603. (2015).
- Hammer, S., Marjanovic, A., Dominicus, J., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Squalene Hopene Cyclases - Potency as Protonases for Stereoselective Brønsted Acid Catalysis. Nature Chemical Biology. 11, 121–126 (2015).
- Reznicek, O., Facey, SJ., Hauer, B.: Draft Genome Sequence of a Papaverine-Degrading, Gram-positive Arthrobacter sp., Isolated from Soil Near Hohenheim, Germany. Genome Announcements. 3, e00422-15 (2015).
- Prins, A., Kleinsmidt, L., Khan, N., Kirby, B., Kudanga, T., Vollmer, J., Pleiss, J., Burton, S., Le, R.-H.M.: The effect of mutations near the T1 copper site on the biochemical characteristics of the small laccase from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). Enzyme Microb Technol. 68, 23–32 (2015).
- Steudle, A., Nestl, B., Hauer, B., Stubenrauch, C.: Activity of squalene-hopene cyclases in bicontinuous microemulsions. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces. 135, 735–741 (2015).
- Taudt, A., Arnold, A., Pleiss, J.: Simulation of protein association - Kinetic pathways towards crystal contacts. Phys Rev E. 91, 033311 (2015).
- Simon, O., Klebensberger, J., Mückschel, B., Kleiber, I., Graf, N., Altenbuchner, J., Huber, A., Hauer, B., Pfannstiel, J.: Analysis of the molecular response of Pseudomonas putida KT2440 to the next-generation biofuel n-butanol. J Proteomics. 122, 11–25 (2015).
- Lotti, M., Pleiss, J., Valero, F., Ferrer, P.: Effects of methanol on lipases: molecular, kinetic and process issues in the production of biodiesel. Biotechnol J. 10, 22–30 (2015).
- Sasso, F., Kulschewski, T., Secundo, F., Lotti, M., Pleiss, J.: The effect of thermodynamic properties of solvent mixtures explains the difference between methanol and ethanol in C.antarctica lipase B catalyzed alcoholysis. J Biotechnol. 214, 1–8 (2015).
- Scheller, P., Lenz, M., Hammer, S., Hauer, B., Nestl, B.: Imine Reductase-Catalyzed Intermolecular Reductive Amination of Aldehydes and Ketones. ChemCatChem. 7, 3239–3242 (2015).
- Sandig, B., Michalek, L., Vlahovic, S., Antonovici, M., Hauer, B., Buchmeiser, M.: A Monolithic Hybrid Cellulose-2.5-Acetate/Polymer Bioreactor for Biocatalysis under Continuous Liquid-Liquid Conditions Using a Supported Ionic Liquid Phase. Chemistry. 21, 15835–15842 (2015).
- Reznicek, O., Luesken, F., Facey, SJ., Hauer, B.: Draft Genome Sequence of Phenylobacterium immobile Strain E (DSM 1986), Isolated from Uncontaminated Soil in Ecuador. Genome Announcements. 3, e00420-15 (2015).
- Lundemo, M., Notonier, S., Striedner, G., Hauer, B., Woodley, J.: Process limitations of a whole-cell P450 catalyzed reaction using a CYP153A-CPR fusion construct expressed in Escherichia coli. Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 100, 1197–1208 (2015).
- Lonsdale, T., Lauterbach, L., Honda, M.S., Nestl, B., Hauer, B., Lenz, O.: H2-driven biotransformation of n-octane to Q1 1-octanol by Q2 a recombinant Pseudomonas putida strain co-synthesizing an O2-tolerant hydrogenase and a P450 monooxygenase. Chem. Commun. 51, 16173–16175 (2015).
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- Gally, C., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Engineering Rieske Non-Heme Iron Oxygenases for the Asymmetric Dihydroxylation of Alkenes. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 54, 12952–12956 (2015).
- Löw, S., Nestl, B., Weissenborn, M., Zepeck, F., Hauer, B.: Process Investigations on the One-Pot Synthesis of Rifamycin S Avoiding Chlorinated Solvents. Org. Process Res. Dev. 19, 1544–1547 (2015).
- Reznicek, O., Facey, SJ., de, W.PP., Teunissen, AWRH., de, B.JAM., Nijland, JG., Driessen, AJM., Hauer, B.: Improved xylose uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae due to directed evolution of galactose permease Gal2 for sugar co-consumption. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 119, 99–111 (2015).
- Otte, K., Hauer, B.: Enzyme engineering in the context of novel pathways and products. Curr Opin Biotechnol. 35, 16–22 (2015).
- Widmann, M., Pleiss, J.: Protein variants form a system of networks: microdiversity of IMP metallo-beta-lactamases. PLoS ONE. 9, e101813 (2014).
- Westphal, R., Vogel, C., Schmitz, C., Pleiss, J., Müller, M., Pohl, M., Rother, D.: A Tailor-Made Chimeric Thiamine Diphosphate Dependent Enzyme for the Direct Asymmetric Synthesis of (S)-Benzoins. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 9376–9379 (2014).
- Reich, S., Kress, N., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Variations in the stability of NCR ene reductase by rational enzyme loop modulation. J. Struct. Biol. 185, 228–233 (2014).
- Scharnowski, K., Krone, M., Reina, G., Kulschewski, T., Pleiss, J., Ertl, T.: Comparative Visualization of Molecular Surfaces Using Deformable Models. Comput Graph Forum. 3, 191–200 (2014).
- Moghimian, P., Srot, V., Rothenstein, D., Facey, SJ., Harnau, L., Hauer, B., Bill, J., van, A.PA.: Adsorption and Self-Assembly of M13 Phage into Directionally Organized Structures on C and SiO2 Films. Langmuir. 30, 11428–11432 (2014).
- Benson, S., Pleiss, J.: Molecular dynamics simulations of self-emulsifying drug delivery systems (SEDDS): influence of excipients on droplet nanostructure and drug localization. Langmuir. 30, 8471–8480 (2014).
- Syren, P., Hammer, S., Classen, B., Hauer, B.: Entropy is Key to the Formation of Pentacyclic Terpenoids by Enzyme-Catalyzed Polycyclization. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 4845–4849 (2014).
- Scheller, P., Fademrecht, S., Hofelzer, S., Pleiss, J., Leipold, F., Turner, N., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Enzyme Toolbox: Novel Enantiocomplementary Imine Reductases. ChemBioChem. 15, 2201–2204 (2014).
- Benson, S., Pleiss, J.: Solvent Flux Method (SFM): A case study of water access to Candida antarctica lipase B. J Chem Theory Comput. 10, 5206–5214 (2014).
- Pleiss, J.: Systematic analysis of large enzyme families: identification of specificity- and selectivity-determining hotspots. ChemCatChem. 6, 944–950 (2014).
- Gricman, L., Vogel, C., Pleiss, J.: Conservation analysis of class-specific positions in cytochrome P450 monooxygenases: functional and structural relevance. Proteins. 82, 491–504 (2014).
- Ploss, M., Facey, SJ., Bruhn, C., Zemel, L., Hofmann, K., Stark, RW., Albert, B., Hauer, B.: Selection of peptides binding to metallic borides by screening M13 phage display libraries. BMC Biotechnology. 14, 12 (2014).
- Westphal, R., Jansen, S., Vogel, C., Pleiss, J., Müller, M., Rother, D., Pohl, M.: MenD from Bacillus subtilis: A Potent Catalyst for the Enantiocomplementary Asymmetric Synthesis of Functionalized α-Hydroxy Ketones. ChemCatChem. 6, 1082–1088 (2014).
- Schäfer, I., Lasko, G., Do, T., Pleiss, J., Weber, U., Schmauder, S.: Peptide - zinc oxide interaction: finite element simulation using cohesive zone models based on molecular dynamics simulation. Comp Mater Sci. 95, 320–327 (2014).
- Nestl, B., Hammer, S., Nebel, B., Hauer, B.: New Generation of Biocatalysts for Organic Synthesis. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 53, 3070–3095 (2014).
- Otte, K., Kittelberg, J., Kirtz, M., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Whole-Cell One-Pot Biosynthesis of Azelaic Acid. ChemCatChem. 6,4, 1003–1009 (2014).
- Subinya, M., Steudle, A., Nestl, B., Nebel, B., Hauer, B., Stubenrauch, C., Engelskirchen, S.: Physico-chemical aspects of lipase B from Candida antarctica in bicontinuous microemulstions. Langmuir. 30, 2993–3000 (2014).
- Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Engineering of Flexible Loops in Enzymes. ACS Catalysis. 4, 3201–3211 (2014).
- Bogazkaya, A., von, B.C., Kriening, S., Busch, A., Seifert, A., Pleiss, J., Laschat, S., Urlacher, V.: Selective allylic hydroxylation of acyclic terpenoids by CYP154E1 from Thermobifida fusca YX. Beilstein J. Org. Chem. 10, 1347–1353 (2014).
- Baier, J., Blumenstein, N., Preusker, J., Jeurgens, L., Welzel, U., Do, T., Pleiss, J., Bill, J.: The influence of ZnO-binding 12-mer peptides on bio-inspired ZnO formation. Cryst Eng Comm. 16, 5301–5307 (2014).
- Vogel, C., Pleiss, J.: The modular structure of ThDP-dependent enzymes. Proteins. 82, 2523–2537 (2014).
- Nebel, B., Scheps, D., Honda, M.S., Nestl, B., Breuer, M., Wagner, H., Breitscheidel, B., Kratz, D., Hauer, B.: Biooxidation of n-butane to 1-butanol by engineered P450 monooxygenase under increased pressure. Journal of Biotechnology. 191, 86–92 (2014).
- Krone, M., Reina, G., Schulz, C., Kulschewski, T., Pleiss, J., Ertl, T.: Interactive Extraction and Tracking of Biomolecular Surface Features. Comput Graph Forum. 32, 331–340 (2013).
- Benson, S., Pleiss, J.: Incomplete mixing versus clathrate-like structures: a molecular view on hydrophobicity in methanol-water mixtures. J Mol Model. 19, 3427–3436 (2013).
- Roduner, E., Kaim, W., Sarkar, B., Urlacher, V., Pleiss, J., Gläser, R., Einicke, W., Sprenger, G., Beifuss, U.: Selective catalytic oxidation of CH bonds with molecular oxygen. ChemCatChem. 5, 82–112 (2013).
- Hailes, H., Rother, D., Müller, M., Westphal, R., Ward, J., Pleiss, J., Vogel, C., Pohl, M.: Engineering stereoselectivity of ThDP-dependent enzymes. FEBS J. 280, 6374–6394 (2013).
- Seitz, M., Syren, P., Steiner, L., Klebensberger, J., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Synthesis of heterocyclic terpenoids by promiscuous squalene-hopene cyclases. ChemBioChem. 14, 436–439 (2013).
- Zhong, L., Hauer, B., Rosche, B.: Catalytic biofilms on structured packing for the production of glycolic acid. J. Microbiol. Biotechnol. 23, 195–204 (2013).
- Kulschewski, T., Pleiss, J.: A molecular dynamics study of liquid aliphatic alcohols: simulation of density and self-diffusion coefficient using a modified OPLS force field. Mol Simulat. 39, 754–767 (2013).
- Westphal, R., Waltzer, S., Mackfeld, U., Widmann, M., Pleiss, J., Beigi, M., Müller, M., Rother, D., Pohl, M.: (S)-Selective MenD variants from Escherichia coli provide access to new functionalized chiral 2-hydroxy ketones. Chem Commun. 49, 2061–2063 (2013).
- Kulschewski, T., Sasso, F., Secundo, F., Lotti, M., Pleiss, J.: Molecular mechanism of deactivation of C. antarctica lipase B by methanol. J Biotechnol. 168, 462–469 (2013).
- Scheps, D., Honda, M.S., Richter, S., Marisch, K., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Synthesis of omega-hydroxy dodecanoic acid based on an engineered CYP153A fusion construct. Microbial. Biotechnol. 6, 694–707 (2013).
- Hammer, S., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: The slumbering synthesis potential in enzymes: how can it be awakened? BIOspektrum. 19, 574–576 (2013).
- Rothenstein, D., Facey, S., Ploss, M., Hans, P., Melcher, M., Srot, V., von, A.P., Hauer, B., Bill, J.: Mineralisation of gold nanoparticles using tailored M13 phages. Bioinspired, Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials. (2013).
- Hammer, S., Syren, P., Seitz, M., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Squalene hopene cyclases: highly promiscuous and evolable catalysts for stereoselective C-C and C-X bond formation. Curr. Opin. Chem. Biol. 17, 293–300 (2013).
- Westphal, R., Hahn, D., Mackfeld, U., Waltzer, S., Beigi, M., Widmann, M., Vogel, C., Pleiss, J., Müller, M., Pohl, M.: Tailoring (S)-selectivity of MenD from Escherichia coli. ChemCatChem. 13, 3587–3594 (2013).
- Nestl, B., Nebel, B., Hauer, B.: Dirigent effects in biocatalysis. Protein Engineering Handbook. 3, 1–27 (2013).
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- Vallon, T., Glemser, M., Honda, M.S., Scheps, D., Schmid, J., Siemann-Herzberg, M., Hauer, B., Takors, R.: Production of 1-octanol from n-octane by Pseudomonas putida KT2440. Chemie Ingenieur Technik. 85, 841–848 (2013).
- Kazenwadel, C., Klebensberger, J., Richter, S., Pfannstiel, J., Gerken, U., Pickel, B., Schaller, A., Hauer, B.: Optimized expression of the dirigent protein AtDIR6 in Pichia pastoris and impact of glycosylation on protein structure and function. Appl Microbiol Biotechnol. 97, 7215–7227 (2013).
- Otte, K., Kirtz, M., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Synthesis of 9-oxononanoic acid, a precursor for biopolymers. ChemSusChem. 6, 2149–2156 (2013).
- Fademrecht, S., Juhl, P., Sirim, D., Pleiss, J.: The triterpene cyclase protein family: a systematic analysis. Proteins. 80, 2009–2019 (2012).
- Kulschewski, T., Pleiss, J.: Simulation of enzymes in organic solvents. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2012).
- Reich, S., Höffken, H., Rosche, B., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Crystal structure determination and mutagenesis analysis of the ene reductase NCR. ChemBioChem. 13, 2400–2407 (2012).
- Seitz, M., Klebensberger, J., Siebenhaller, S., Breuer, M., Siedenburg, G., Jendrossek, D., Hauer, B.: Substrate specificity of a novel squalene-hopene cyclase from Zymomonas mobilis. J Mol Catal B: Enzym. 84, 72–77 (2012).
- Mückschel, B., Simon, O., Klebensberger, J., Graf, N., Rosche, B., Altenbuchner, J., Huber, A., Hauer, B.: Ethylene Glycol Metabolism of Pseudomonas putida. Appl Environ Microbiol. 78, 8531–8539 (2012).
- Gruber, C., Pleiss, J.: Lipase B from Candida antarctica binds to hydrophobic substrate-water interfaces via hydrophobic anchors surrounding the active site entrance. J Mol Catal B. 84, 48–54 (2012).
- Seifert, A., Pleiss, J.: Identification of selectivity determinants in CYP monooxygenases by modelling and systematic analysis of sequence and structure. Curr Drug Metab. 13, 197–202 (2012).
- Siedenburg, G., Jendrossek, D., Breuer, M., Juhl, B., Pleiss, J., Seitz, M., Klebensberger, J., Hauer, B.: Activation-independent cyclization of monoterpenoids. Appl Environ Microbiol. 78, 1055–1062 (2012).
- Honda, M.S., Scheps, D., Kühnel, L., Venegas, E., Seifert, A., Nestl, B., Hauer, B.: Bacterial CYP153A monooxygenases for the synthesis of omega-hydroxylated fatty acids. Chem. Commun. 48, 5115–5117 (2012).
- Kazenwadel, C., Eiben, S., Maurer, S., Beuttler, H., Wetzl, D., Hauer, B., Koschorreck, K.: Thiol-functionalization of acrylic ester monomers catalyzed by immobilized Humicola insolens cutinase. Enzyme Microbiol. Technol. 51, 9–15 (2012).
- Pickel, B., Pfannstiel, J., Steudle, A., Lehmann, A., Gerken, U., Pleiss, J., Schaller, A.: A model of dirigent proteins derived from structural and functional similarities with alleneoxide cyclase and lipocalins. FEBS J. 279, 1980–1993 (2012).
- Baier, J., Naumburg, T., Blumenstein, N., Jeurgens, L., Welzel, U., Do, T., Pleiss, J., Bill, J.: Bio-inspired mineralization of zinc oxide in presence of ZnO-binding peptides. Biointerface Res Appl Chem. 2, 380–391 (2012).
- Widmann, M., Pleiss, J., Oelschlaeger, P.: Systematic analysis of metallo-b-lactamases using an automated database. Antimicrob Agents Ch. 56, 3481–3491 (2012).
- Pleiss, J.: Rational design of enzymes. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim (2012).
- Widmann, M., Pleiss, J., Samland, A.: Computational tools for rational protein engineering of aldolases. Comput Struct Biotechnol J. 2, e201209016–e201209016 (2012).
- Huynh, T., McDougald, D., Klebensberger, J., Al, Q.B., Barraud, N., Rice, S., Kjelleberg, S., Schleheck, D.: Glucose Starvation-Induced Dispersal of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms Is cAMP and Energy Dependent. PLoS One. 7, e42874 (2012).
- Ferrario, V., Braiuca, P., Tessaro, P., Knapic, L., Gruber, C., Pleiss, J., Ebert, C., Eichhorn, E., Gardossi, L.: Elucidating the structural and conformational factors responsible for the activity and substrate specificity of alkanesulfonate monooxygenase. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 30, 74–88 (2012).
- Gruber, C., Pleiss, J.: Molecular modeling of lipase binding to a substrate-water interface. Methods Mol Biol. 861, 313–327 (2012).
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- Vogel, C., Widmann, M., Pohl, M., Pleiss, J.: A standard numbering scheme for thiamine diphosphate-dependent decarboxylases. BMC Biochemistry. 13, 24–24 (2012).
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