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Biochemistry and Molecular Epigenetics
The group of Prof. Jeltsch is leading in the biochemical study of the function of DNA methyltransferases. They have long standing expertise in the field of rational and evolutionary protein design of DNA interacting enzymes and in the design of chimeric methylation enzymes for gene regulation in eukaryotic cells. In addition, they study the specificity and activity of histone methyltransferases and methyl lysine reading domains and provided seminal discoveries in both fields.
Prof. Jeltsch has published more than 300 scientific papers many of them in international leading journals. His work so far received more than 27,000 citations and he has an H-index of 83.
Publication list with links, citations, and citation index at Google-Scholar
Web of Science profile with publication list, links, citations, and citation index
Publication list with links and citations at PubMed
Editor of journal special issues
- Co-Editor of the ChemBioChem special issue Epigenetics (2011)
- Co-Editor of the Genes special issue Role of DNA Methyltransferases in the Epigenome (2019)
- Co-Editor of the IJMS special issue Advances in Epigenome Editing (2020)
- Co-Editor of the LIFE special issue Structure, Activity, and Function of Protein Methyltransferases (2022)
- Co-author of the book " Biochemical Methods" (Wiley, 2002)
- Co-Editor of the book " DNA Methyltransferases - Role and Function" (Springer-Nature, 2017)
- Co-Editor of the book " Epigenome Editing - Methods and Protocols" (Springer-Nature, 2018)
- Co-Editor of the book " Role of DNA Methyltransferases in the Epigenome" (MDPI, 2020)
- Co-Editor of the book " Structure, Activity, and Function of Protein Methyltransferases" (MDPI, 2022)
- Co-Editor of the second edition of the book " DNA Methyltransferases - Role and Function" (Springer-Nature, 2022)
- Co-Editor of the book " Epigenome Editing - Methods and Protocols (2nd edition)" (Springer-Nature, 2024)
Personal Data
born August 6, 1966 in Kassel (Germany), married, 3 children
Education and Career
1986-1991: Study of Biochemistry (University of Hannover)
29.11.1991: Diplom in Biochemistry at the Fachbereich Chemie of the University of Hannover
1992-1994: Dissertation at the Institute of Biophysical Chemistry of the Medizinische
Hochschule Hannover
1994 - 1998: Postdoctoral position at the Institute for Biochemistry, Justus-Liebig
Universität, Giessen, Germany
1998-2003: Assistant Professor at the Institute for Biochemistry, Justus-Liebig Universität,
Giessen, Germany
28.05.1999: Habilitation in "Biochemistry" and "Biophysical Chemistry" at the
Justus-Liebig-Universität, Giessen
2003: Assistant Professor at the Institute for Biochemistry, Justus-Liebig Universität,
Giessen, Germany
2003-2006: Associate Professor of Biochemistry at the International University Bremen
2006-2011: Full Professor of Biochemistry at Jacobs University Bremen (formerly:
International University Bremen)
Since 2011: Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Stuttgart
Scholarships and Honours
1988-1991: Scholar of the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
1992-1994: Scholar of the Fonds der Chemischen Industrie
1997: Research Award of the Justus-Liebig-Universität
1999: Gerhard-Hess Award of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
2001: BioFuture award of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)
Membership in Editorial Boards of journals
- Editor in Chief Epigenetics & Chromatin (since 2023)
- Section Editor Genes (since 2021)
- Scientific Editor Clinical Epigenetics (since 2018)
- Scientific Editor Scientific Reports (2016-2022)
- Scientific Editor PLOS one (2015-2022)
- Editorial Board Nucleic Acids Research
- Editorial Board BBA - Molecular Cell Research
- Editorial Board Biochimie
- Editorial Board ChemBioChem
- Editorial Board Epigenomics
- Editorial Board Epigenomes
Editor of journal special issues
- Co-Editor of the ChemBioChem special issue Epigenetics (2011)
- Co-Editor of the Genes special issue Role of DNA Methyltransferases in the Epigenome (2019)
- Co-Editor of the IJMS special issue Advances in Epigenome Editing (2020)
- Co-Editor of the LIFE special issue Structure, Activity, and Function of Protein Methyltransferases (2021)
- Co-author of the book " Biochemical Methods" (Wiley, 2002)
- Co-Editor of the book " DNA Methyltransferases - Role and Function" (Springer-Nature, 2017)
- Co-Editor of the book " Epigenome Editing - Methods and Protocols" (Springer-Nature, 2018)
- Co-Editor of the book " Role of DNA Methyltransferases in the Epigenome" (MDPI, 2020)
- Co-Editor of the book " Structure, Activity, and Function of Protein Methyltransferases" (MDPI, 2022)
- Co-Editor of the second edition of the book " DNA Methyltransferases - Role and Function" (Springer-Nature, 2022)
Conference organizer
- Co-Organizer of the 6th New England Biolabs Conference on DNA Restriction and Modification
- Co-Chair of the 3rd Epigenetics and Bioengineering Conference (EpiBio 2019)
- Acting head of the Institute of Biochemistry and Technical Biochemistry
- Dean of studies of the Biochemistry programs (since 2024)
- Member of the Faculty of Chemsitry commission for the Graduate and undergraduate study programs (2012-2023)
- Member of the University commission for Research and young scientists
- Member of the University commission to Ensure Good Scientific Practice and Handle Scientific Misconduct
- Member of the University commission for Responsibility in Research (Ethics commission)
- Replacement member of the Senate of the University
- Member of several Hiring commissions for university proferssorships
- Member of the board of directors of the Stuttgart Research Center Systems Biology (SRCSB)