Sander Foundation

New research project

August 2, 2019 /

Support of the Sander Sander Foundation for the investigation of DNMT3A mutations in AML

Support of the Sander Sander Foundation for the investigation of DNMT3A mutations in AML

Up to 25% of all AML tumors contain DNMT3A mutations by far the most common R882H. In 2018, we identified changes in the flanking sequence preferences of DNMT3A-R882H (Emperle et al., 2018, Nucl Acids Res). These changes will be further characterized and investigated with new bioinformatics methods DNA methylation patterns in human cells and patient data. Moreover, the target genes of the dysregulation by the R882H mutation will be identified. Tumor cell models for mutant DNMT3A will be developed to study the effect of DNMT3A mutations on cell proliferation and pathogenic mechanisms and to test DNMT inhibitors. Further common mutations in DNMT3A will be investigated using similar biochemical, molecular biological and bioinformatory approaches. Our study is intended to validate the mechanism of action of the R882H mutation we have found, and to substantially enhance our understanding of AML tumors with R882H. From the study of the other common mutations in DNMT3A, we expect further important insights into the fundamental pathogenicity mechanisms of these variants.

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